May we take one step closer to Your Vision for our lives, and as Advent moves so musically toward us, may we run like the young boys tending their flocks toward that Star. Let Eternity start today for us in our minds as we conceive You and Your Story. Let meditation be our stillness and let unbounded enthusiasm for service to those who need us keep us joyfully exhausted, our hands busy and our hearts full.
Show us the reality of human futility, how the best of our good cannot ever save us, and how You looked upon us as new creation and wrestled with this fact. The conception of our salvation was molded by Your Hands into our faces even as You were chiseling the nothing that would become this beautiful yet dying world. Show us how the easiest of loves, the greatest of loves is only possible because of Love which came before us, then came among us, and will come again as a triumphant manifestation of any and everything that we know as Love.
Our Advent prayers are scribbles in the dark–inadequate representations of what we might say given what You have already done for us.
And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold the dwelling place of God is with man.” Rev. 21:3.
-Submitted by Kerri Snell
Don't forget that Saturday (December 11) is Second Saturdays for kids K-6th. Bring your kids at 9:30am for 1 1/2 hours of exploring Sweden!
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