Saturday, September 5, 2009

Day 41

Although the construction site is silent on this unusually cool Saturday afternoon, the evidence of progress is present throughout the building. Here, you can see the beginnings of the half-circle-shaped frame of the Hearth Room counter. On top of the back brick wall where dry wall had previously been, a dark wood paneling is in place.

This is a view from the employee side of the counter. As you can see, there is significantly more room than the previous space.

This is a clearer view of the circular counter. It is hard to see, but under the previous pink carpet, the guys found and shined up some tile that will look nicely around the counter.

The pillars that were once blue, pink, and circular, now have a shined wood covering on the top half to match the Hearth Room area.

The fireplace is coming along nicely and is looking less and less like the shell it was on the last post.

The stage area is also improving.

Finally, something that you might miss upon first glance is the newly colored ceiling. Painting it this gray color will make the ceiling "disappear" and give the room a more welcoming feel. The gray was painted on the west half of the ceiling and the top 1/4 of the walls.

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